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Showing posts from July 22, 2007

What Do You Do At 11:36 PM In Minneapolis?

You filter through the last few days at BoingBoing and post the stuff you're interested in reading later! Check out this page of rice-paddy-art! With careful application of different varieties of rice, these farmers transcend the boundaries of their craft! Marvel!!! At the President's grandfather's attempted coup of FDR !!! Here's a cool video-mashup of two of my favorite things: Stop-motion animation and Long-exposure night-time photography ! When Sarah was in New Zealand, Flight of the Conchords performed for her group thanks to ...not nepotism, as I understand, but rather connections. Here they are performing their signature hit, Bowie's In Space . Flying makes me crazy. Here's the president of the Airline Pilots Security Alliance explaining why the system we're operating with is inadequate and insecure. Sarah and I have been doing a lot of flying in the past few years, and it seems like every time we set foot in an airport the bullshit gets thick...

Still On The Move!

Sarah and I landed in Minnesota around this time last night--now she and Areca are out on the town with Suzanne as part of a "Ladies' night out". Me? I've been reading magazines and comic books and drinking a few beers. If Frunch and Gabe had arrived a day sooner I would have had some company, but honestly, I've had a great night. Once we get back to the Bay, expect some great shots of Areca in her wedding dress. Until then, I got nothin'. Lies!!! I got somethin'!!! Here's the link to The Real Taste of Original! , the podcast which I co-anchor with my dear friend and associate, PM Funk--Lord of the Dance. Episode 1 (Mic Check) is the earliest, Episode 6 (Space-Age Bachelor PodCast) the latest. All feature World-class tunes, and Municipality-class banter. Highly Recommended!