You filter through the last few days at BoingBoing and post the stuff you're interested in reading later! Check out this page of rice-paddy-art! With careful application of different varieties of rice, these farmers transcend the boundaries of their craft! Marvel!!! At the President's grandfather's attempted coup of FDR !!! Here's a cool video-mashup of two of my favorite things: Stop-motion animation and Long-exposure night-time photography ! When Sarah was in New Zealand, Flight of the Conchords performed for her group thanks to ...not nepotism, as I understand, but rather connections. Here they are performing their signature hit, Bowie's In Space . Flying makes me crazy. Here's the president of the Airline Pilots Security Alliance explaining why the system we're operating with is inadequate and insecure. Sarah and I have been doing a lot of flying in the past few years, and it seems like every time we set foot in an airport the bullshit gets thick...
Patiently awaiting the resurrection of Google Reader since 2013.