, my fave blog, has been posting about Cayetano Ferrer recently. His stuff is thought-provoking and beautiful, and I think I might be able to use it in my thesis! Click the title of this post for a link to his site. You can also go to BoingBoing and search their site for "Cayetano Ferrer" for photos of a cool project he did by painting billboards with the images of the landscape they obscured. Yeah. Not only is it a neat way to explore the presence/absence tension and the illusory nature of our ideas of permanence and possibility, it also is a great subversion of the advertising media in service of art rather than the vice versa.
No time to waste, let's hit those Three Good Things: 1. "Fifteen bucks for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge, Edge, EDGE!" An impossibly red, impossibly cute 1997 Suzuki X-90. It looks like a real-life Barbie car, a mini two-seater pickup, minus the bed and with a little spoiler on the back. Also it has a T-top. In college some buddies and I drove up to Cleveland one weekend to see the monster truck rally at the Gund Arena. Were we genuinely interested in it? Was it an act of willful irony? We were the last gasp of Generation X, so there is truly no way to know. What I remember most aside from the noise and fumes was that the promotion ran a contest in between "acts" where local schmoes could try their personal vehicles on the motocross track they'd constructed on the arena floor, with the fastest time taking home a cash prize. One of the first contestants roared out of the gate in a huge, very obviously brand new, very obviously expensively