I think my friend E-Fantastico's nightmares might look a little like this:

Carpet Caterpillars are apparently on a rampage in Sweden, relentlessly creating haunting, Christo-like tableaus for the aesthetic enjoyment of those cold, lonely Vikings. Thank you, Caterpillars, thank you for making the world a stranger place!
(I found the original post at boingboing.net)

Carpet Caterpillars are apparently on a rampage in Sweden, relentlessly creating haunting, Christo-like tableaus for the aesthetic enjoyment of those cold, lonely Vikings. Thank you, Caterpillars, thank you for making the world a stranger place!
(I found the original post at boingboing.net)
Doubly my worst nightmare because in late '80's northern Minnesota, we had a tent caterpillar (we called 'em "army worm") invasion; they didn't leave filmy veils like this, but they did hang from trees on invisible threads and you'd walk right into them, just dangling. It made a walk in the forest impossible, especially for this fourth grader. Ew.
Thanks for the link, by the way!