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Consistency Will Be Our Watchword.

In a conversation last weekend (with Frunchy? Damn it all, I can't remember! Sorry if I've misattributed this...) my conversation partner remarked that the hallmark of a good blog is consistency, that one should be able to check it daily and have something new to read. Otherwise there's just no incentive. So forthwith, I resolve to post at least daily. There's always something worth thinking and writing about, even if briefly.

So here's a (very) brief bio of Charles Finney, Oberlin Patriarch. I always get a tickle out of the great changes undergone in Christian Evangelism in the last 150 years. And the swap of the core values of the political parties.

Next, here's an excerpt from Pattie Boyd's autobiography, from the Daily Mail. In Britain. Pattie Boyd, if her name doesn't ring a bell, is the ex-wife of both George Harrison and Eric Clapton. Truly, a modern-day Alma Mahler-Gropius-Werfel (I knew of some of the others, but had no idea that she and Kokoschka were lovers! Just goes to show...). At any rate, she was married to George, but then Eric took a fancy to her, and as a document of his woo, wrote for her Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs, which he released as Derek and the Dominos. One of the great albums of all time? Yeah, I guess. Once I got over Clapton Unplugged (in eighth grade), that was kind of it for me and Clapton. Great skill and profeciency? Sure, but where's the substance? He's like a giant billboard for himself, plastered all along the highway of 20th century pop music history, and when you finally get there, just like Wall Drug, there's nothing but tchotchkes and geegaws. You're lucky if you find a cute pencil-cozy.

Anyways, whatever I might think about Clapton musically, it's pretty clear that he was a total shit as a husband and a friend. Harrison was his mate, his homeboy, his main man, and Clapton goes and writes "one of the best albums in rock history" in order to shag Harrion's wife. Not trying to say that she was a prize to be won, or any sexist tripe--It takes two to lie, as Homer says, one to lie and one to listen. I just think it's pretty shitty all the way around. And, after reading what Pattie Boyd has to say about her marriage, it seems like George Harrison came off better than anyone else in the whole messy triangle.

I found this photo on the hard-drive of our old computer. I know nothing about it, except that I titled it "A World Of Pain, Donny". Your guess is as good as mine!


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