It's been a long day so I'm keeping my words short tonight.
1. Blogging.
A passionflower vine trying to cling to a lime leaf.
I am really enjoying this daily exercise of writing and gratitude. And it feels good to be "creating content" solely on my own behalf and not to help Mark Zuckerberg get even more obscenely wealthy. I chose the right turn of phrase when I renamed this blog. Long live Antisocial Media!
2. Cooking food that my kids request.
J Kenji Lopez-Alt's NYT recipe for
wildly garlicky noodles
My youngest has been asking for "the garlic noodles" for a few days, and I was so excited to finally have a window to make them that I may have sliiiiiiightly overdone it on the garlic. I mean, what's thirty cloves between friends?
It's a delicious recipe, and while it's simple there's a lot of nuanced care demanded by the process. I'm able to make it reliably edible, but I'm quite a ways from mastering it.
Can't wait to bring the leftovers to work tomorrow and incapacitate the entire office with my laudatory garlic breath. Remember, you can't spell "clove" without "love."
3. The Corner Store.
The front facade of the Regent Market Co-op
They were out of cinnamon raisin bagels, but I had a great time dropping by the Regent Market tonight. I still think of it as "Joe's", which is what we called it when I was a kid and it was still owned by Joe the Grocer. He used to chide me, in his good-naturedly exasperated way, about my habit of sitting on the piles of water softener salt and reading my way through the comics on the spinner rack by the front door.
The store's grown since then, and evolved into a co-op, but the friendly neighborhood hub vibes remain strong. Sometimes, like I did tonight, I'll bump into my friend Dr Rich as we're both out on a quick errand after the kids are in bed, and we'll jaw about politics and working in hospitals and capitalism. Then I'll drive home with my bagels and coffee beans, happy to have connected with a friend. Like Vonnegut said, we're here on this Earth to fart around and don't let anyone tell you different.